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2011: Year In Review at natashagoes

January 1, 2012

It is officially 2012 and I’m not ready to go to bed. It has been a weird night and I have some thoughts that I was hoping to wrap the year up with on here. So, if you’ve stuck around this blog long enough to read a post that isn’t really about crafts, thank you!

I started this little home on the internet as a place to reflect on social justice and didn’t tell many people about it. It was kind of a joke at first. I took a hiatus and decided I’d really like to use the blog to share creativity. I started posting about crafts and life and God and crafts and more crafts. Here are some that you liked:

T-Shirt Headbands

Owl Handwarmers

In the summer, I started an Etsy store to raise money for Safe Refuge International. It was really fun to learn how to run that and to get better at taking photos of the things I was making.

You know what the best part of it is? Because of your generosity and love and encouragement, that little shop has raised over $630 for women and children in the Philippines and I am so thankful that you’d bless them in that way. I can’t even begin to imagine how God will use Safe Refuge this year and I’m glad we all get to join in with what is going on there. Thank you!!!

So, nearly 10,000 hits to these craft posts and countless moments of learning and inspiration and creativity and beauty along the way, here we are. 2012. Wherever you find yourselves this year, make it one of imagination and life. Thank you for being a part of what is going on in this little place!

From the long days of October. Sunshine and (almost) summertime.

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